Locked Out Of Your Home Often? Use One Of These Clever Key Hiding Places

Posted on: 4 April 2018

Have you locked yourself out of your home and have no way to get inside? You'll need the help of an emergency locksmith company like Mattice Lock & Safe, especially if it is late at night or on the weekend. However, you can prevent this from happening in the future by hiding an emergency key outside your home. Instead of placing it under the doormat or in a fake rock, here are some clever places that you can put the key where nobody will think to find it. [Read More]

Improving Security In Your Office's Parking Garage: Three Strategies To Consider

Posted on: 5 February 2018

Your office's parking garage provides a convenient way for customers and employees to secure their vehicles, but it's important to make sure that your parking garage has the right security features in place. With extra security measures, you can help ensure the safety of everyone using the facility. Here are a few options to discuss with your commercial locksmith to beef up security in your parking garage. Live-Feed Surveillance Video [Read More]

Mistakes People Make When Doing Their Own Locksmith Work

Posted on: 27 December 2017

Moving into a new rental house means that for safety reasons, you may need to either rekey or replace door locks. This is because you cannot tell how many keys have been shared by friends, roommates, and previous residents. You do not want to find your household items stolen, just because other people have access to your home. You may think a DIY option is cheaper. Before you take that route, be warned that you could be making a costly mistake. [Read More]

A Few Times You Should Use Locksmith Services

Posted on: 22 November 2017

If you are ever locked out of your car or home, you will most likely call a locksmith to pick the lock and get you in. This is not the only service a locksmith can perform for you. The next time you are faced with the following situations involving a door or lock, contact a locksmith to help resolve it professionally, without causing damage to anything. Lock Rekeying A locksmith can not only pick locks; he can rekey them as well. [Read More]