• Protecting Yourself Against Keyless Entry Hacking

    Cars have gotten more complex and sophisticated throughout the years. Unfortunately, car thieves are becoming just as sophisticated and technologically savvy. Criminals are now using the same technology a growing number of car owners rely on for convenience to break into and even steal vehicles. If your vehicle is equipped with a keyless entry system, then you'll want to know how you can protect yourself against this threat. Understanding the Tools of the Trade [Read More]

  • Food Pantry Protection: Four Methods To Keep Valuables Hidden

    When potential criminals enter your home, they are likely looking for valuables like gold, jewelry, and electronics. One place that is rarely raided is the kitchen. The food pantry in your home is a great place to store valuables, keep them hidden, and add extra protection. Along with deterring criminals, proper food pantry security can help keep pets and dogs away from items in the home. By using the following four protection methods, you can properly protect a food pantry and any valuables that you may keep inside. [Read More]